Altara Hospitality Group provides attentive care for the pets of residents and Customers. We offer a range of services from health care, bathing, grooming, to training and exercise. With a team of experts and flexible services, We ensure that pets are always healthy, happy and well cared for throughout their stay.
With a team of highly trained professionals who love animals and have experience handling various situations, along with modern facilities, Altara Hospitality Group offers high-quality pet care services. From diet and playtime to health care, pets receive thoughtful attention. Our care spaces are designed to be modern, ensuring comfort for the pets. Additionally, all grooming and hygiene products are carefully selected to ensure effectiveness and safety.
Our pet boarding service provides a spacious, airy, and safe environment. Altara Hospitality Group ensures optimal care conditions, including a scientific diet, a reasonable exercise schedule, and a clean, friendly environment. Our dedicated staff will regularly monitor the health status of the pets and provide suitable recreational activities to keep them from getting bored during their stay.
Altara Hospitality Group's pet bathing service uses high-quality skincare and grooming products that are safe for pets’ health. Our pet care specialists are well-trained and can quickly address any issues, ensuring that pets remain clean, fresh and comfortable.